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A Night in Sin City Page 5
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Page 5
“Thanks.” She still had the cuffs around her wrist, but at least he couldn’t drag her around anymore. He put his arm around her shoulders as he walked her farther into his suite. The warmth from his body seeped into her skin. She blinked. Now that’s better. Tentatively, she snuggled deeper against his side. Maybe this would work out after all. She glanced at the huge bed in front of a panorama window, offering a breathtaking view onto Vegas at night.
“Nice view, isn’t it?” he asked, turning her around to face him.
Oh, he smiled at me. “Yes, it is,” she whispered, leaning into him and closer to his mouth, her gaze glued to the upward tilt of his lips. He smiled wider and her knees turned weak. Her hand shook as she slipped her fingers inside his jacket and pulled it off his shoulders. “Brian,” she said, hearing her longing, as his hands closed around her waist, and then he pushed her backward.
Surprised, she fell with a cry on the bed, and sank deep into the mattress. Yes, this was much better. He followed, pinning her down, heavy and solid on top of her. Damn it, he’s one of these I-hunt-my-own-prey kind of guys. She had probably turned him off by going so strong after him. Well, he could hunt her down now, as long as he stayed with her tonight. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. Kiss me already. He brushed his lips over her mouth as he clasped her arms over her head.
“You like the view?” he whispered against her lips, and his hand closed hard around her wrist.
Her eyes flew open as he tugged at her hand. About time he took them off. She smiled, pushing her hips harder against him, and heard his quiet laugh. Closing her eyes again, she wrapped her legs around him. God, he felt good. She reached for him, but he caught her hand and brought it up again. “Hey,” she said as he didn’t loosen his grasp around her hand, then she heard something snap shut. “What—?”
“It’s good that you like the view.” He stood up. “Because you have the whole night to enjoy it.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. She stared at his face, trying to move her arms, but couldn’t. She turned her head. Both her hands were cuffed around the iron headboard. “No,” she whispered, pulling at them with all her might.
“Oh, yes,” he said. “You might want to stop struggling against it.”
“Take them off!” she yelled, pain throbbing through her arms and shoulders. She stopped fighting against the cuffs because she’d only hurt herself.
“Take them off? How stupid do you think I am?” He stood in front of the window, his back turned to her. “As if you would stay here otherwise.” He turned around and looked down on her. “See you tomorrow, Suzie.”
“No, please, don’t leave me here alone.” Real panic rose in her, a solid knot in her stomach, and she gritted her teeth to stop it from showing on her face. “You can’t do that.”
“Sure I can. You’re nice and secure here. Besides, I thought I’d take your advice. Since you have taken over my bed, I’ll go and find myself another blonde for the night.”
“Stay with me,” she whispered, feeling her cheeks prickle as blood rushed to her face. She swallowed away her pride, because she needed him to stay. “Brian, please.”
Smiling, he stepped closer to her on the bed. “If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m not into brunettes.”
“Tomorrow, I’ll kill you.” She kicked her leg, aiming at his groin, but he jumped back with a laugh.
“Ah, don’t say that.” He came closer again, but stayed regrettably out of reach of her legs. He leaned down, brushing his thumb over her mouth. “You’re not the first girl I’ve turned down.”
She gasped, staring in his smiling face. She licked her lips, still feeling his touch on her mouth. No, he couldn’t remember…
“Night, Suzie.” He switched off the light, bathing the suite in darkness.
Chapter Five
Her heart pounded in her throat as she heard him walking away. Heard a door being opened. When the door closed with a soft thud, tears stung in her eyes, and a single drop rolled down her cheek, then another. She kicked her shoes off, and curled up on the bed, feeling uncomfortable with her arms over her head.
I don’t want to be alone. She closed her eyes as the first sobs escaped her. The night was going to be an endless pain. After tonight, she’d never think of him again. Never. She’d all but offered herself on a silver plate, and he’d turned her down. Her heart ached, and she cried in earnest, thinking about him in another woman’s arms. She’d have done everything for him.
More tears slid down her face when a hand closed around her ankle. Her heart skipped, and she screamed.
“You know,” Brian said in the dark, “that was fun.”
Her skin was covered in goose bumps, but the fright that had shot through her body at his touch slowly ebbed away. She caught her breath, staring into his face illuminated by the flickering lights from the window.
Her heart still beat too fast. “Fun?” She gasped as he let his fingers wander up her leg. Drawing small circles over skin, he came to rest on her thigh. “Why didn’t you leave?” she whispered, wondering if he’d come back to torment her more before leaving her once and for all alone in the dark.
“Leave?” He laughed, a rough sound that turned her fear of being alone into lust.
“Why did you come back?” She stretched out her hands to touch him, only to be reminded that she was cuffed.
“Do you know what I see when I look in this room?” He sat down on the bed, running his fingers over her legs. “I see a woman, spread out on my king-size bed, wearing next to nothing, breathing fast, flaunting hard nipples under a too-tight blouse.” He brushed his thumb over her breasts. “And, the best part, her hands are tied over her head.” He leaned forward, his breath warm against her face. “I’d rather shoot myself than leave you alone.”
She shuddered at his words, yet frustration gnawed at her insides that she couldn’t get her hands around him to pull him close. He’d woken up too much tension with his few touches over her skin. She needed to touch him, too. “Take them off.” The leather around her wrists was like a dose of ice water for her lust. “They are not fun.”
He kissed her cheeks, kissing away her tears. “You’re suddenly not interested anymore in what I do for fun?” He kissed the hollow of her throat. “And I thought you wanted to know.”
“Take these fucking cuffs off.” Her breathing hitched when he brushed his fingertips over her mouth and traced around her lips. “I promise I won’t leave. I want to be in your bed.”
“Yes, I know.” He trailed his fingers down over her blouse and opened the top button. “Your groping for my cock in the bar wasn’t what I would call subtle.” He opened the second button and sighed. “Damn, buttons are annoying.” He slid his hands into her décolleté and pulled her blouse apart. A button bounced over the mattress as the fabric gave way with a ripping sound. “Knew you were braless.”
She stared down at her torn blouse, cool air streamed over her chest. He cupped his warm hand over her left breast, making her want to purr with pleasure, making her want to lash out at him. “I would have gladly opened the buttons for you.”
“Told you, I’m having fun.” He winked and leaned over her. “Don’t spoil it.”
She sucked in her breath as he licked her nipple. “Take the cuffs off!” She realized she’d yelled, but he irritated the hell out of her.
“You don’t get it, do you?” He circled his fingertips around her breast. “You wanted my attention. You were successful.”
She squirmed under his hands. “But not like this.” It was agony not being able to grasp his hands and put them were she wanted them. Not being able to wrap her arms around him and climb on top of him. “I never wanted it like this.”
“And I care what you want because…?” He laughed, his gaze dark on her face. “I’ll do whatever I want.” He trailed his fingers along her arm. “You look good in cuffs, by the way.” He bent down and bit her earlobe. “Why do you shiver?”
She moaned, shivering harder still u
nder his hands. “Because except for one thing, you do everything right. And I want—” His mouth came down hard on hers, demanding entry, making her head spin and her spine tingle. She took everything he gave, but he broke the kiss too soon. She groaned, almost feeling pain at not being able to sink her hands in his hair to pull him back. “Brian, why did you push me away in the bar?”
“Loyalty conflict,” he said, closing his hand around her knee. “Stop kicking your legs.”
Loyalty conflict? Great. She hadn’t worded her email carefully enough. She could only hope he never figured out who really wrote him. “And you’ve changed your mind?” She heard her ragged voice as he sucked her nipples, tender at first, then stronger.
“Obviously.” He moved his hand up her leg and under her skirt. He clasped her center. “Damn, you’re hot,” he said quietly, his thumb brushing over her clit, and her hip jerked at his touch. He leaned forward. His warm breath feathered her neck, and he pulled her blouse farther away from her shoulders. His lips closed over her collarbone.
“Why did you change your mind?” He would leave a mark on her skin, and she closed her eyes in delight.
“Well, I’ve always trusted my intuition when it comes to business decisions.” He trailed his fingers around her stomach. “My instinct tells me that I can’t let you slip through my fingers tonight, no matter the consequences.”
“I’m not some business deal of yours,” she said, annoyed at his explanation. What happened to the good old Can’t live without you, get naked explanation?
“No, you’re not a business deal,” he said, kissing around her navel. “You’re so much better.” He withdrew, his gaze sweeping over her body. “You’re incredible.”
She drew her legs close but couldn’t really hide. “Brian, please, this isn’t what I want.” Not quite the truth, but she wanted him on her terms. Then again, who was she kidding? She’d probably burned his hand as he’d touched between her legs. “I need to feel you under my hands.”
He shook his head. “Nope,” he said, easing her legs down again. “You’ll stay cuffed or you’ll stay, well, let’s call it un-kissed.”
“That’s unfair.”
“Maybe.” He closed his hand around her inner thigh and massaged her with light strokes then stopped suddenly. “What’s your choice?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Put your hand back on my leg.” Right now, only his gaze caressed her skin and that was definitely not enough.
He made a point of looking through the room. “The bar is nicely stocked. Do you want something to drink?” he asked and got off the bed.
“No, and neither do you,” she called after him, cursing him under her breath. She heard ice clinking into a glass and liquid followed.
“Since you drank most of my whiskey,” he said, coming back to her, carrying a glass, “it’s only fair I get a new drink.” He leaned down and picked up one of her shoes from the floor. “Wow, you could kill a guy with these heels.” He shot her a glance. “Don’t want to rush you, but have you decided yet?” He sipped leisurely at his drink, gazing out into the bright night. “Did I mention that I could stand here all night and just admire Vegas?”
Oh damn, he really means it. He wasn’t going to touch her again until she agreed to wear the cuffs. He would stand in front of the window for the rest of the night, ignoring her. He wouldn’t kiss her, wouldn’t slide against her… This was even worse than not being able to touch him. At least she would feel his hands gliding over her skin. Feel him inside her. She moaned, heat rising along her skin.
“Have it your way then,” she whispered, and he turned to her. She looked into his eyes, and her nerves fluttered, but there was no sense denying it. She wanted him, no matter how.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” he said, and slowly came to her. He placed his glass on the table next to the bed. “Did you just say I can do whatever I want with you?”
“Honey, don’t push your luck, or I'll kick your white ass once I'm wearing my heels again.”
He laughed. "So we have a deal?"
"Maybe," she whispered and closed her eyes, sighing as he stroked her legs. The mattress gave way as he sat down, and then he kissed her, tasting of whiskey and him, the feeling good enough to melt the last bits of anger she felt. She bit his tongue, and he withdrew, laughing quietly.
“That’s a yes,” he said, close enough to feel his breath on her face.
She nodded, saying, “Yes, damn it. But do your best. I’m hard to please...” She smirked as he looked taken aback for a second.
“I’m so glad you like the cuffs, too,” he said, returning her smirk. “If you had absolutely hated them, I would have taken them off and fucked you anyway. I only bluffed.”
“I hate them,” she said quickly, but he only grinned, saying, “Too late.”
Chapter Six
She groaned, feeling stupid for buying into his bluff, but his hands were sliding up her legs again, and she couldn’t hold on to her thoughts. Too slow. She needed him to be faster. “You’re mean.” She kicked her legs, willing him to touch her more fully.
“That’s payback. You’ve had your fun with me since you arrived at the airport.” He rested his hand on her panties. “But I’m not falling anymore for the girl sucking innocently at a straw.”
She laughed but stopped when he eased her panties down. “Too slow,” she said, breathing faster as he cupped her bottom.
“No, not too slow.” He stripped her panties, touched the silk lace before dropping them to the floor. “You had your fast ride earlier today. Now you’ll have a slow ride.”
“I could do wonderful things with you.” She shot him a look from under her lashes and licked her lips invitingly. “But I would need my hands for that.”
“Nice try.” He stood up.
For a second, she feared he would leave her alone again. Instead, he shrugged out of his shirt, revealing a broad chest and flat abs. She groaned because all she could do was watch, no tracing his muscles, no helping by taking off his jeans, no touching of any kind.
“You’re still wearing too much.” She was so tense, she wished she could touch herself. She pressed her thighs together, contracting her muscles. Her clit responded with a sharp spasm. She moaned and twisted against the sheets.
Placing his hand on her breast, he sat down next to her. “There’s something I’d like to know.”
She sighed. “What?” His palm rested only lightly on her, but she was sure her heart hammered against his hand. Beat after beat her breath grew faster, and his brilliant green eyes searching her face made her squirm.
He brushed stray curls from her face. “Exactly when did you decide you wanted to sleep with me?” He leaned forward and kissed her neck, then trailed down to her shoulder, his mouth hot against her skin. “In the bar?” he asked, his mouth against her throat as his hand slid between her legs.
She arched against him, against the unbearable slow stroking of his fingers. He dipped inside her pussy, gliding in smoothly, and then smoothed wetness over her clit. When did I decide I wanted to sleep with him? Jolts of pleasure seared through her, making her moan. “Ten years ago.”
His head came up so fast, he knocked against her chin. “Ten years ago?” He stood up, staring at her incredulously. “Are you kidding me?”
“You laughed,” she said, annoyed with herself for telling him. She turned her head to the side to avoid his eyes. “You laughed when I kissed you.” He let himself fall back to the bed, making her bounce on top of it, and a quick glance at the grin plastered on his face confirmed her suspicion. He damn well remembered her kiss. “You jerk. You told me to wait ten years before trying to hit on you again.” She realized how strange it sounded when she spoke it aloud.
“I told you what?” His eyebrows rose. “Damn, that I forgot, but now that you mention it…” He shook his head. “You waited ten years for me.” A wide smile broke across his face. “Now that’s sweet.” He took her hand and placed a kiss on he
r palm. “You’re a romantic,” he said before breaking out in laughter.
She snorted, waiting until his laughter had faded. “I didn’t exactly wait for you, if you get my meaning. I had plenty of distraction.” She curled her mouth into a mocking smile, enjoying seeing his smile crumble. “And I mean plenty.”
“That I believe.” His eyes narrowed as he put his hand on her thigh. “I don’t need more information.”
“Jealous?” She laughed at the frozen expression on his face and laughed more when he squeezed her thigh harder. Men, always so possessive. Usually not something she cared for. With him, though… She nudged gently against his back with her knee. If she had her hands free, she would jump him and probably last about a minute. Sex was all she wanted. That, and leaving him with a laugh on her lips. I’m out of here as soon as I can walk again. Giggles escaped her mouth. “I didn’t come to Vegas to chat about good ol’ times.” She’d come to Vegas to seduce him, and hell, it hadn’t been easy. A shudder ran over her skin. “Brian, fuck me.”
His smile came back. “So, you didn’t come here to chat about—?“ He frowned, shooting her a sharp look. “It was Randall’s idea to get you a trip to Vegas, wasn’t it?”
She sucked in her breath then forced herself to smile. “Sure. It was his idea. Take off your jeans and come to bed.”
“He’s in Europe, isn’t he?” he asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“Yes.” She cleared her throat because it had come out squeaky. “Can we please stop talking about my brother? Sort of kills my mood.”
He checked his watch. “He must have arrived by now,” he said, walking to his desk, which was scattered with laptops, stacks of paper, and cell phones.
“What are you doing?” she asked when he sat down in front of the desk. “You’re not working, are you?”
He ignored her and rampaged through things on his desk, then held up a phone. “You know, Suzie, I think I’ve figured out how your mind works.” He switched on the phone and pressed two buttons. “International roaming,” he said, grinning positively evil. “I wouldn’t go anywhere without having access to international phone calls. Randall’s just the same.”